
A Symbol of What?

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Apple made the right move today but removing all Confederate flag-toting apps from the App Store. They're not the first store to remove items with the flag, and I commend all retailers who do so1.

When you have someone like Tim Cook say he thinks the flag is a symbol that feeds racism, it's going to be a tougher thing for Apple to ever bring those apps back. Really, It should be a tough thing for any retailer to bring them back.

I'm not going to speak for people who love the Confederate flag, but saying that you like the flag for the 10% that it represented is insane. You don't fly the Confederate flag because you believe in states rights. Just like you don't fly a Nazi flag because you believe in a strong Germany and you don't read Playboy for the articles. They're all piss-poor excuses for avoiding saying something you'd rather not admit.

  1. I'm happy I can say that my previous employer did not carry any Confederate flag merch.